CPESS Reunion

I was recently perusing the CPESS (Central Park East Secondary School) alumni Facebook page of students that graduated between 1991-97, looking over their words and photos… and they still like to get together!  There were photos of them all there together in Brooklyn. ( Sadly I could’t make it.)  Drinking, laughing, hugging, in serious conversation and in hilarious ones. I then looked at all their individual photos—and remembered each of them!

They are there for each other. Thanks “kids” for all the loving and kind words and for keeping the torch alive. And thanks to all my colleagues who made it happen. And those absurdly trusting parents and grandparents!  This is the bonus we get from being teachers. “Who could ask for anything more?”

Maybe that should be the measure of a good school?

4 Responses

  1. We love you too Debbie!!!!!! I’m still thankful to this day that Mommy decided to send me all the way into Harlem from Queens everyday from 3rd-12th grade to go to CPE 1 and then CPESS!!!! She always told me she never regretted making that decision!!!! I had wonderful times and we are all still united! God bless you and the staff that made it happen!

  2. Cpess truly was a blessing and a place of refuge for so many Debbie, I’m sure it saved many more of us than anyone would like to admit. While often I remember you as being so stern with us, the love that you have was so profound and I believe I can speak for most of the students from 1991- 1994 (the first complete 4 years of students) Cpess staff, faculty, Teachers wil continue to resinate in our lives and who we became as Men & Woman today.
    Thank you for your vision and believing in us.

  3. Debbie… If it wasn’t for you, I do not know where I woud be right now. You have provided to many of us an unique atmosphere where we all could grow and learn without fear. CPESS has embraced all of our individualities. I am pretty sure you many of us, CPESS was home. There were so many wonderful teachers who not only cared about our education, but they cared about us as people and our personal growth. I am proud to be a CPESS alumni… CLASS OF 93.

  4. Hello my name is Andrew Alvarez, I was a student at cpess,I graduated class of 2006 and was wondering if there is a reunion for my class. I can be reached at gabreal1120@gmail.com,if some one can reply it will be appreciated thank you and GODBLESS

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